Onboarding With Brian Haskins

Course Overview:

Setting Up And Scheduling Your One On One Onboarding.

**This is only applicable for those that upgraded their mentoring to include the one on one onboarding. If you didnt and want to reach out and let me know. If not then skip over the parts about sending me the onboarding details and just follow the steps in your own set up.

The onboarding is designed so we can build and launch your wholesaling business as quickly as possible.

It includes:

  • Picking Your Market
  • Building Your Buyers List
  • Building Your Motivated Sellers Lists
  • Launching Your First Marketing Campaigns.

For us to be able to schedule this onboarding there are some items that may take some time and approval so you want to do these right away.  This is very important

Important Information:

The marketing campaign we will build and launch will be your text message marketing campaign which is the first step in the 7 Step Seller Acquisition System which is the first marketing campaign we suggest you run.

We will dive deeper into teaching you this marketing strategy as we go but text message marketing is a regulated industry and there are a few things that you need to set up and get approved so you can create a SMS account. Please follow the steps below.

Step #1 – Download and fill out the Onboarding Document here. This will provide us the information we need to be prepared for our call

Step #2 – Download the Onboarding Checklist – this will keep you on track to make sure you don’t miss any steps. do not send over anything until you have completed all of the items on this checklist

Step #3 – Open up and complete the following items on your onboarding checklist

Step #4 – Set up your Propstream account

Set up a free Propstream.com account (free for 7 days and $97 each month after) you will use this to pull your buyer and seller lists and also for comping properties.

You absolutely need Propstream they are the only company that will have access to the data we need.

If you already have a Propstream account you will skip this step.

If you already have another source for pulling lists, Id suggest Propstream since all of the videos are made for that and I don’t know of any other data provider that will have all the data we need besides Propstream.

**Your propstream account must be out of the trial period before you can schedule your onboarding.

Step #5 – Set Up Your Smarter Contact Account

We use smarter contact for texting. If you already have gone through the process of registering your 10DLC with another TCPA compliant texting platform then you can skip this part and keep your texting account.

If you haven’t not done this or do not know what I am talking about please follow the steps below.

*A note about texting platforms – So when it comes to texting, we cannot use most services out there because they are not compliant. You will need to use a TCPA compliant service like smarter contact.

If not you may be in some potential legal trouble.

Texting is very regulated, and there are many hoops we have to jump through but once its set up its usually pretty easy. And I will walk you through below each step, step by step.

The main set up will be what is called 10DLC and this is required by Twilio who will be sending your text messages through smarter contact. Think of smarter contact as like the interface you will use to communicate but twilio is behind the scenes working with the carriers to get your messages delivered.

10DLC stands for 10 Digit Long Code and is basically a code assigned to each person who will be sending out text messages.

Why is it important. Its basically set up to protect you and the people receiving the messages. They want to know that you are a real person and company and not a bot sending mass text messages.

We suggest smarter contact over other services simply because of their support. They handle much of the set up for you. Their support has been stellar.

Click here to set up your account with smarter contact 

**Smarter contact bills by the quarter or year instead of monthly. You can get a monthly plan if you let them know you are a student of mine.

Which account to set up?

You have 2 options.

The Basic Plan – this uses a 800 phone number. This allows you to get started quicker but when texting from a 800 number you will get less replies. I highly suggest the next option for long term use but the basic plan is the quickest way to get started but your results won’t be as good.


The Starter Plan

Setting Up The “Starter Plan” this is an overall better plan which allows you to use local phone numbers.

There are a few requirements with the starter plan. This can take a few days to a few weeks to get approved and started. The following items will be what you need to get set up to be approved. Follow these steps will make it easy to get going but may take a little bit to be approved.

These are required by all texting providers and handed down by the carriers. Not the texting companies.

You cannot get around these requirements and they are actually good for you.

By following these, you will get the best delivery and the best results.



The next steps will be required to be able to get approved for 10dlc and start texting. However, it can take a few days or up to a week to be approved.

If you do not have the following items already:

  • LLC
  • Website
  • Business email address

We can split your onboarding up into 2 parts.

We can build out your buyers and sellers lists and at the same time you can follow the steps for the 10DLC approval and by the time we are done you should be approved and ready to send out your marketing.


What needs to be set up before you can start texting

There are a few things that must be done BEFORE you are able to start texting. These all need to be completed and set up before you can register your 10DLC because you will use this information on the registration.

I know it may seem like a lot of hoops to jump through but texting is a regulated industry, its also the cheapest marketing method that gets the most replies so we need to use it.

They require you to do the following things before you register. If you already have these you can skip the step ( as long as its all set up properly)

Do not worry though I have detailed instructions on exactly how to go through each process step by step.

  • Setting Up An LLC
  • Getting A Website
  • Getting A Business Email


Step #6 – Setting Up An LLC – Click here to see the steps

Step #7  – Setting Up A Website – Click here to see the steps

Step #8 – Setting Up Business Email Address: – Click here to see the steps

Step #9 – Now its time to go through the 10DLC Set Up And Registration – Click here to see the steps

*if you have any problems you can live chat with smarter contact on their website.

Step #10 – Final Step:

Once you have steps 1-9 completed please create one email with the subject line (Your Name) – Onboarding Documents And Login Details

Please attach the onboarding document (completed), and your Propstream and smarter contact logins. Make sure both propstream and smarter contact are out of trial periods.

The email will be emailed to support @ brianhaskins.com

In addition to your onboarding information. Please include the following information.

The day and time of your scheduled smarter contact leads onboarding meeting(or the date it was completed)

Please include your availability for the next 3-4 days and your time zone so we can find a day and time to schedule your onboarding.


Once your 10DLC has been approved its time to get your phone numbers.

You will have to get a phone number/s. They are usually just a few dollars a month.

The amount you need will vary based on the amount of texts you will send out.

Id start with 3-5 or you can ask smarter contact support to give you a closer idea of how many you need.

The reason for multiple phone numbers is so that when you send out text campaigns you can rotate the phone numbers you send text messages from so there are less likely to see the same phone number and text messages used.

**Final texting and smarter contact set up will be found here under the texting section of the portal.

You do not need to go here yet or go through this section until your 10DLC is approved and your able to start texting. Click here

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